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Welcome welcome. Today we are going to take a look at 10 affiliate programs for an e-sports blog. This niche is pretty new and really starting to take off and grow making this the perfect time to get in and start building your website or YouTube channel to take advantage of the growth.
There’s going to be a lot of crossover with the larger video game niche. Ideally, you want to focus on the more competitive aspects of video gaming because that’s really what Esports is all about. That’s going to limit the number of games and the types of games that you going to be able to promote successfully to an Esports audience.
But the Esports news goes further than just the actual video games there’s a ton of equipment is required that you can promote on your Esports blog to bring commissions. These include headphones specialized controllers controller accessories gaming monitors and just about anything else you can think of that would help performance.
Even things like energy drinks which are huge sponsors of Esports could be promoted on your Esports blog. So with that in mind let’s take a look at ten of the best Esports affiliate programs currently available.
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Sennheiser Affiliate Program
- Application: Sign Up Here
- Sales Commission: 6%
- Tracking Cookie: n/a
Sennheiser is a manufacturer of high-end headphones and audio equipment. They produce a wide variety of audio equipment for many different areas. Some of these include sports, travel, music and entertainment, and, for our purposes, gaming.
Gaming headsets are an incredibly important part of Esports is it gives you a competitive advantage by being able to hear your opponent’s movements. There are plenty of styles and price ranges that you can choose from for these headsets. have any headphones and over-the-ear headphones?
Typically Esports competitors will use over-the-ear headphones to cancel out all the noise from around the arena that they’re playing in so those might be the best ones to promote for your Esports blog. Sennheiser offers its affiliate partners a 6% sales commission on all qualifying sounds.
Its commission’s pretty good A little bit better than Amazon’s and given the physical products they sell it’s pretty nice to see. The tracking cookie information wasn’t readily available so you have to ask about that when you sign up for their affiliate program.
Overall this is a pretty good affiliate program. you’re going to need at least one audio or headphone partner for your Esports blog because it is such an important part of the competition.
You can always, of course, have more than one but probably best to focus on just one audio or headset partner and use your other affiliate programs for other areas of Esports.
Epulze Affiliate Program
- Application: Sign Up Here
- Sales Commission: 25%-50%
- Tracking Cookie: Lifetime
The first thing you might ask about this partner program is what exactly is it. Well, Epulze is a gaming platform that enables regular Gamers to compete in their favorite games for cash and prizes.
It’s not a completely new idea but it’s starting to really gain ground as the audience of these Esports really wants to play the games and have a chance to win things for themselves.
Most people never going to be good enough to plan these big tournaments but sometimes you can play at home and play little fun tournaments and win a little money. It’s going to really take off in the near future.
It kind of skirts the gambling aspect of it but I wouldn’t be too worried about that with the changing feelings on gambling in general in the United States and in many Western countries, I don’t think you’re going to see if gambling have the stigma that used to in the near future.
The commission offered up by equals is really great. They offer between 25 and 50% commissions depending on how many sales you get over the course of a month. These types of commissions aren’t really possible with physical products so it’s always nice to have a digital product to sell for your blog.
Attract and cookies are great here as well for all intents and purposes a lifetime cookie as you get a percentage of the revenue from all your referrals for as long as they keep their account.
Epulze Is a pretty new platform it’s still, according to their website, in beta. so you’ll have to keep an eye on it to make sure that it’s moving in the right direction as a profitable business but this is where the industry is heading you’ll have your professional Gamers.
You’re going to see these types of prize tournaments and games constantly popping up and if you can get in on the ground floor this is a great affiliate to have. Everything about this affiliate is fantastic if you can get it to convert. The commission is great the cookies are great it’s really just explaining exactly what it is to your readers and then promoting it in a way that’s going to make it convert for you.
ULT Affiliate Program
- Application: Sign Up Here
- Sales Commission: 10%
- Tracking Cookie: N/A
ULT is a company that produces apparel and gear for Esports teams. they have a ton of different types of products from t-shirts jerseys beanies hats jackets of all kinds and hoodies as well.
All are officially licensed to some of your favorite Esports teams. Currently, they Supply gear for eUnited, Endemic and Gangstars. This is another aspect of Esports that doesn’t directly relate to gaming but it’s very important for any e-sports blog.
A lot of people love these Esports teams the same way that people love professional sports teams and they’re willing to buy the gear that’s officially licensed by them.
So you going to need to have at least one officially licensed gear supplier for Esports teams. Ult Offers a pretty good commission for their affiliate partners. Their program has a 10% commission on all qualifying sales.
Given the uniqueness of their products and their license products to certain Esports teams this is a great commission for these products since there are very few other places you’re going to be able to get them.
The tracking cookie wasn’t readily available so you’ll have to ask about it when you join the ULT partner program. Another very good affiliate to have for your Esports blog especially if you’re focusing on any of the teams that this company has official deals with. You always want to cover these types of bases in this niche.
It’s really no different than a regular Sports nice if you are a football nice you want to have licensed football apparel. If you’re an Esports blog you want to have licensed Esports apparel. This is a very good partner program to have for that Esports apparel especially given the Great Commission you get.
Razer Affiliate Program
- Application: Sign Up Here
- Sales Commission: 4%-20%
- Tracking Cookie: N/A
Razors one of the biggest names in gaming peripherals and accessories. They have a huge number of products ranging anywhere from controllers and headsets all the way up to laptops designed specifically for gaming.
They’re particularly well-known for their gaming mice and keyboards. This is going to be one of the most recognizable brands in Esports. So you’re not going to need to do a whole lot of promotion to convince people that this is a good product.
You will be able to generate quite a bit of content from their unique products in the form of reviews and “best of” lists.The commission structure is pretty good as well you get 20% for any software purchases but only about 4% for the hardware purchases.
They don’t have a huge selection of software so most of your products are going to fall into the 4% range. It is about what you would get for Amazon, in general.
However, Amazon is constantly changing its commission structure and there’s no telling whether that you’re going to be able to get any kind of commission from them in the future for any number of products. so having the 4% here is actually pretty decent.
Once again the cookie was not readily available so you’ll have to inquire about it when you sign up for the partner program. Razer is a great, recognizable brand for Esports blogs. They offer a pretty competitive Commission. It is a very good partner program to have on your side.
A good idea when promoting Razer is to find out which professional teams use their products and try and focus on their fans since they’d be more likely to purchase Razer products.
Vertagear Affiliate Program
- Application: Sign Up Here
- Sales Commission: N/A
- Tracking Cookie: N/A
Vertagear is a manufacturer of racing and gaming chairs. the chairs are well-made very popular with gamers. This partner doesn’t have a huge amount of products only about a dozen or so chairs to choose from.
But that doesn’t mean that they aren’t a good product to try and promote to your audience. Each chair can be turned into a great review that can draw in traffic and add to the already great content on your Esports blog.
One weird thing about this program is that none of the affiliate terms were public before signing up for the program. At least none that I could find. So you’re going to need to ask about them when you sign up or more likely they’ll tell you exactly what they are once they approve your application.
This is a decent affiliate program just based on their products. However, until you find out exactly what the affiliate terms are, it should be put on the back burner until you find out how well it’s going to convert and what the exact income potential it has is going to be.
DXRacer Affiliate Program
- Application: Sign Up Here
- Sales Commission: 5-10%
- Tracking Cookie: n/a
DXRacer covers another important aspect of Esports and that is where you sit. A partner program like this just emphasizes how many different aspects there are to the entire Esports niche.
To be honest, gaming chairs could be an issue all on its own. you could create an entire blog around just the best gaming seats you can find. But you can also add them into your existing Esports blog and it covers an important aspect of the Esports scene.
These gaming seats are also quite expensive which gives you another option for high ticket products that you can promote and get great commissions from. Speaking of those commissions, DXRacer Offers a variable Commission of between 5 and 10%. given the price of the chairs and the fact that there is a physical product, 5% is good 10% is outstanding.
You’ll have to ask exactly how you get the different percentages but suffice to say you will always get at least 5% on all qualifying purchases. The cookie duration information wasn’t readily available so be sure to ask about it when you sign up for this program.
The DXRacer affiliate program is a good all-around partner to have for your Esports blog. It covers an important aspect of Esports and that is the gaming chair. it offers you a chance to promote a high-ticket item and get decent commissions. And the commission’s themselves are pretty good.
KontrolFreek Affiliate Program
- Application: Sign Up Here
- Sales Commission: 10%
- Tracking Cookie: n/a
Kontrol Freek is a manufacturer of some add-on accessories for your controllers. These controller stick extensions really give the player additional control over the stick movements and are very popular among Gamers and Esports players in general.
These products are typically relatively cheap at $10,$15, $20 for most of them. So while they’re not a high-ticket item they are very popular and you can sell quite a few of them to a wider variety of audience members.
The Kontrolfreek affiliate program offers its partners a very good 10% Commission on all qualifying sales through their affiliate links. Double-digit commissions are always welcome and even though the price of the product is relatively low the 10% commission makes for a nice bit of income for your Esports blog.
Once again the tracking cookie duration is not available without signing up for the affiliate program. so be sure to ask about it when you sign up. This is a pretty good affiliate program. The commission is great and the products are very popular.
The only real downside is that the products are pretty inexpensive, but you can look at that as a positive if you can get enough sales to make up for the relatively low price.
Logitech Affiliate Program
- Application: Sign Up Here
- Sales Commission: 4-8%
- Tracking Cookie: 30-days
Logitech is one of the worldwide leaders in peripherals for both computers and consoles. They make a wide variety of accessories that are very popular among general gamers and in the Esports Arena as well. One of the best things about Logitech is it they have such a wide range of controllers and peripherals.
They have steering wheels for racing Esports. They have great gamepads and gaming mice and gaming keyboards and they even have flight sticks and throttles for any kind of space or air combat Esports games.
They also have a nice selection of gaming audio headsets that compete directly with Turtle Beach. so you need to find which one converts better with your specific audience and really promote that brand.
The affiliate terms offered by the Logitech partner program are pretty decent. They offer between a 4% and 8% commission for their partners. Even on the low end to 4% is a decent return and the 8% commission is fantastic. In addition to that, they’re tracking cookies very good. They offer a full 30 days for you to make a sale and earn a commission.
This is one of the most versatile affiliate programs in the entire Esports niche. They have controllers for every genre of game and they’re all very well made and very well respected in both Esports and The Gaming Community in general.
The commission is decent and the cookie is great for this type of program. Try and fit this affiliate in if at all possible and see if it converts for your audience. If it does then you have yourself a really great partner program to build a nice income around.
Microsoft Affiliate Program
- Application: Sign Up Here
- Sales Commission: 10%
- Tracking Cookie: 14-days
This company needs no introduction one of the biggest tech companies in the world and they have a pretty big imprint in Esports with their Xbox consoles.
This program is specifically for the Microsoft store we can buy most of their gaming consoles accessories and games in general. Another great thing about this affiliate program is that Microsoft is a very trusted company. People feel comfortable giving their financial information, credit cards, whatever to accompany the size of Microsoft.
It’s pretty much on par with Amazon in that regard and it makes it very easy to promote products from their website. What really sets Microsoft affiliate program apart from most of the others of these huge companies is it they offer at Great Commission. The commission percentage for this partner program is a full 10%. that is an incredible number for a company this big.
Amazon is nowhere near it in terms of their commission percentage. They’re cooking duration is very good for a company the size as well. They offer a 14-day cookie and while that’s about half of the standard cookie duration. But for a partner the size of Microsoft, it is very very good. Especially when you consider Amazon is only 20 hours.
This is an outstanding affiliate program from just about every angle. Not only is it great for Esports with all their Xbox accessories and consoles and video games but they also sell a huge selection of other Consumer Electronic products.
Even if your readers go to their website for Xbox gear they can still pick up software or services from Microsoft and you’d still get a commission. It’s one of the best affiliate programs around
Turtle Beach Affiliate Program
- Application: Sign Up Here
- Sales Commission: 4%
- Tracking Cookie: 30-days
Turtle Beach is one of the premier manufacturers of high-end headphones and audio equipment for gamers. Their premium products are available for all major consoles and PC and they are incredibly well respected in the Esports community.
They have sponsorship deals with some of the biggest teams in any sport including Manchester City, Supremacy, and Astralis. The products are pretty pricey, running well over $200 for many models with their high-end models running close to $300. This makes this program a high-ticket partner for your Esports blog.
Turtle Beach office their affiliate Partners a 4% Commission on all qualifying sales. This is about standard for a commission although it seems a little low in my opinion. But it puts it right on par with Amazon who also sells this brand of headphone.
What sets apart from Amazon is the cookie. You get a full 30-day cookie with Turtle Beach they could you plenty of time to make a sale and receive a commission.
The affiliate terms aren’t the greatest the commission is a little low and the cookie is standard. However, this is such a well-respected brand that you probably want to have it as part of your headphone Affiliates for your Esports blog. Especially given the number in popularity of the Esports teams that they have sponsorship deals with.
The Big Finish
So there you have it. 10 great affiliate programs to get you started with your Esports blog.
This Niche is already incredibly competitive, especially on Twitch and YouTube. It is a very visual niche and one that lends itself well to these video channels.
That doesn’t mean there isn’t still room for a written blog to go along with it. If you combined with video this is probably the best way to maximize your profit potential in this niche.
And with these partner programs, you can be sure to make a decent income by promoting them on this blog.
The interest in Esports is just growing and doesn’t look like it’s going to slow down at any point in the near future.
The interest is there. The keywords are there and the Google searches are there.
You put that all together and you’ve got a fantastic emerging niche that’s something that you can get into pretty easily at this point.
You are still going to need very good keyword research but there’s plenty of places to go in plenty of different games to focus on for me the Esports niche.
Putting together a successful blog is never easy and it’s even more difficult if you try to do it on your own. The Best Way to be successful is to follow what other people have done. you learn from their mistakes and learn from their training.
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