This article may contain *affiliate links. Please see our affiliate disclosure for more details
Welcome, Welcome. By the looks of things, you have come in search of a fantastic beekeeping affiliate program to help monetize your beekeeping blog.
Well search no longer, my friend because you are in the right place. Check out our list of these amazing beekeeping affiliates and find one that suits you.
There is much more to affiliate programs than just a commission and a sign-up link, stay awhile and enjoy our in-depth look at these affiliates and why they might just be perfect for your passive income beekeeping blog.
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Beekeeping Is A Time-Honored Profession
Image by Mabel Amber, still incognito… from Pixabay
What Are Beekeeping Affiliate Programs
Beekeeping affiliate programs can be used by content creators to help monetize their beekeeping-related content.
Whether that content is written on a blog or captured in a YouTube video, these beekeeping affiliate partners can turn content into profits.
When someone uses a content creators’ affiliate link and makes a purchase, the affiliate marketer earns a small commission from their promotional efforts of all thing beekeeping.
Beekeeping is becoming an increasingly popular blogging niche. Now is the time to get involved because it gets more competitive by the day.
You have some great beekeeping affiliate to help monetize your blog in this list but that is just the beginning.
Whether you are just beginning or ready to take your passive income website to the next level this training can help put you on the right track.
Beekeeper’s Naturals Affiliate Program

- Affiliate Commission: 15%
- Tracking Cookie: 30-days
- Niche: Wellness
- Affiliate Network: ShareASale
What Is Beekeeper’s Naturals?
Beekeepers Naturals is an online store that sells products derived from honey and other be related substances. They offer a wide variety of wellness and health products that are formulated with the honey and royal jelly that bees typically create.
it’s no secret that honey and the other by-products that bees create are incredibly healthy and are beginning to be used more and more.
Beekeeper’s Naturals preach sustainability for their products. This is great for affiliate marketers.
You can add these little facts into your content to make them more appealing to sustainability-conscious readers and you get the added bonus of their sustainable processes actually being good for all of us.
The only real issue with the Beekeeper’s Naturals affiliate program from a popularity perspective is that they are probably not that well-known outside of possibly beekeeping and some health food niches.
As a result, you’re probably going to have to create a little bit of content explaining in-depth their back story what they are about and what they really mean when it comes to the sustainability of their products.
It Means A little bit of added work for the affiliate marketer But ultimately it’s going to pay off in the long run because you get your audience more comfortable with using this affiliate program and ultimately spending money on their products.
The added bonus is that you get a little bit more content to put out there on your website or your YouTube channel which is always a great thing. You can never have too much content.

And What Do They Sell?
As mentioned the products that are going to be available for you to promote are mainly honey and royal jelly based- products.
Most of them fall into the health and wellness category. You have things like throat sprays and Immunity boosting supplements and Foods.
When you sign up for their affiliate program you’ll have to pick and choose which ones you think would be the best match for your particular audience.
The only real issue with the products is that there is not a whole lot of them available. I counted maybe a dozen or so different products and then you had your various bundles and whatnot that you can promote.
But ultimately it’s not a huge deal you just want a few great products that you can promote to really make the most out of this affiliate program.
The Beekeeper’s Naturals Commission
I’m sure many of you just wanted to skip right to this section and find out what the commission is that you were going to get for making a successful sale for the Beekeeper’s Naturals affiliate program.
Well, that number is 15%. But the commission does not tell the whole story when it comes to this affiliate program or to any other for that matter.
The commission is not the most important aspect of the affiliate program. Remember you are creating content that is going to help people. They don’t care what your commission is. They care what the types of products and the quality of products are that you are promoting.
Always keep that in mind the products are the most important part of any affiliate program. That being said having a nice 15% commission is pretty sweet.
It means that you were going to be handsomely rewarded for your promotional efforts. And when you see Commissions in the double digits it really gives you that extra bit of incentive to go out there and push and really create the best content that you possibly can.
You should always try and create the best content but having that wonderfully High commission does add a little bit extra to it. We are only Human After All.
The Tracking Cookie Duration For Beekeeper’s Naturals
The tracking cookie offered by the Beekeeper’s Naturals affiliate program is a standard 30-day tracking cookie.
You want your tracking cookie to be as long as possible because the longer the cookie is the better chance of converting those clicks into sales.
If you have high ticket items and you definitely want a longer tracking cookie as well because the larger the price tag the more time your audience is going to need to decide whether they want to spend that type of money.
The good news is that the products offered by beekeepers Naturals aren’t particularly expensive. They certainly aren’t cheap but they’re not approaching multiple hundreds or thousands of dollars that I ticket item.
Therefore the 30-day cookie is going to be just fine for your promotional efforts with this particular affiliate program.

Conversion Potential Of Beekeeper’s Naturals
I believe all the factors are there for the Beekeeper’s Naturals affiliate program to really be a good converting partner program for quite a few different niches.
As I mentioned this is not a traditional beekeeping affiliate program but there is so much overlap that it could convert very well with a traditional beekeeping audience.
The 15% commission means that you as an affiliate marketer or going to get paid for your time and effort promoting their products.
This is incredibly important to the conversion rate because if there is an incentive for you to create more content around this affiliate program and build the type of content that is really going to convert then that’s what you’re going to do because it’s in your best interest.
It’s tough to get excited about an affiliate program that just doesn’t respect or appreciate the efforts of the affiliate marketer.
A lot of times that is reflected in the commission and in this case, we have a wonderful commission offered by Beekeeper’s Naturals.
The cookie is fine is going to give you enough time to make a sale after you promote their products and still get a commission because these products are not high ticket items.
The cookie Direction typically correlates to the conversion potential of any affiliate program
30-days is typically the standard and as we’ve already discussed that’s what we get from beekeepers Naturals.
The final part of the conversion equation is the products themselves. How well are they going to be received by your particular audience?
This is really the Crux of the conversion potential issue. Each audience is going to have a different outlook on every individual affiliate program and it’s up to the affiliate marketer to try and connect the affiliate program with the audience of their content.
Sometimes it’s simply not possible your audience is not going to be receptive to the affiliate programs that you’re promoting and then the conversion rates are going to just not be enough to be sustainable.
So you’ll have to run some tests with Beekeeper’s Naturals to find out if this affiliate program is going to be well received by your audience especially given it’s a little bit outside the confines of a strict beekeeping niche
Blythewood Bee Co. Affiliate Program
- Affiliate Commission: 5-20%
- Tracking Cookie: Not Listed
- Niche: Beekeeping
- Affiliate Network: None
Blythewood Bee Co. Products And Brand
The Blythewood Bee Co. has a huge selection of beekeeping equipment and clothing. They also have plenty of bottling soap, wax and extraction equipment to get the bee products and put them safely and securely where they need to go.
The Blythewood Bee Co. is your quintessential beekeeping affiliate partner. They have all the stuff you need and you can promote every bit of it on your beekeeping blog.
I’m not personally in the beekeeping Niche. I don’t really know much about it so when I’m talking about these products it’s going to be in very general terms as someone on the outside looking in.
I tend to look at the products for niches that I don’t know a lot about as someone who is looking to start getting into that particular Niche. A beginner’s perspective. Because that will probably be a large part of your audience.
So whether or not these products are going to be great for highly Advanced beekeepers I don’t know but from an outside perspective of a beginner, they look like the real deal.
They have a lot of great products the protective gear looks great, Hive maintenance equipment looks to be the real deal as well.
You’re going to have to go through on your own as an expert in your beekeeping Niche and decide which ones are going to match up well with your particular audience but they have such a wide selection and a very easy to navigate website that their products are going to be pretty easy to promote I think.
I know it might seem a little silly to mention how easy the website is to navigate but it is a big deal when it comes to product-based affiliate programs.
People want to be able to get to the website find what they’re looking for by it check out all with his little passel as possible.
It’s the Amazon effect.
Because that is exactly who you’re up against when you’re trying to integrate one of the smaller affiliate programs.
A lot of times people will just go to Amazon to get it. Now for the beekeeping Niche and a lot of the products offered by Blythewood Bee Co.
You might not be able to find exact matches on Amazon. But the layout of websites matters to the overall conversion rate for product-based affiliate programs.

The Blythewood Bee Co. Commission
The Blythewood Bee Co. Affiliate program Has a tiered commission structure available for their affiliate Partners.
Normally I’m not a huge fan of these tears affiliate partners because the affiliate program tends to be pretty vague about exactly how you reach a different tier for your commission percentage.
However, The Blythewood Bee Co. has laid out exactly how you get to various tears with your promotional efforts.
So it’s not a big deal. The commission’s range anywhere from 5% all the way up to 20% and they are Performance Based on how much you sell of their products.
Even at the low and the 5% commission is still a pretty nice commission. But once you get the ball rolling you can easily start to move the tears and really get the higher commission rates.
And then it just snowballs because once you start moving up the sails that you’re making you’re going to give you bigger commissions and in the end, you can really leverage this affiliate program for some great passive income profits on your beekeeping Niche website.
Here is the breakdown of the tiered commission structure for The Blythewood Bee Co. Affiliate program.
- $1 to $250: 5% Commission
- $251 to $500: 7% Commission
- $501 to $1000: 10% Commission
- $1001 to $1500: 15% Commission
- $1501 to $2000: 20% Commission
The Tracking Cookie For Blythewood Bee Co.
As often happens with many of these independent affiliate programs they neglect to publicly tell you what the tracking cookie duration is. I dug around as much as I could to try and find it but I was completely unable to do so.
So you are going to have to ask about the tracking cookie when you are accepted into this affiliate program.
The tracking cookie is going to play an important part in the overall conversion rate because longer duration cookies tend to convert better.
And while there aren’t a lot of high ticket items with Blythewood Bee Co., You were still going to want to try and get the longest possible cookie duration that you can.

Conversion Potential Of The Blythewood Bee Co.
I said this a million times but the most important factor for your conversion rate is going to be your specific audience.
With that said the Blythewood Bee Co. Affiliate program is going to be one of the better converters in the beekeeping niche, In my opinion.
It has everything you need to start your own bee colony, and it is probably exactly what your audience is going to be looking for when they go looking for content in the beekeeping Niche.
The products that they sell are going to be used by just about every beekeeper out there. And that makes the conversion potential incredibly High because these are absolutely necessary products for any level of a beekeeper.
The affiliate terms look all right. As mentioned the tracking cookie is not available but I suspect it won’t be too much of an issue. The scaling commission is okay because they lay out exactly what you need to get to the various tiers of the commission.
And even the base commission is pretty good in its own right. So there is really nothing in the way of this affiliate program being a great converter for just about any beekeeping Niche website.
Beekeeping For Beginners Affiliate Program

- Affiliate Commission: 75%
- Tracking Cookie: Not Listed
- Niche: Beekeeping Training
- Affiliate Network: ClickBank
Brand Recognition For Beekeeping For Beginners
Beekeeping for Beginners is an all-digital beekeeping training course that is hosted on the ClickBank affiliate network.
Digital-only products are a little bit different than promoting physical products and the Beekeeping for Beginners’ training products is no different.
You were going to have to do a lot of groundwork to get the conversions that you want from this type of affiliate program.
The reason is there is a lot of distrust out there for digital-only products in many niches including beekeeping niches.
So you’ll have to determine whether or not Beekeeping for Beginners is a quality product that you want to promote on your beekeeping blog.
This affiliate program is a single product affiliate program so if beekeeping for beginners training product doesn’t convert well with your audience or you don’t think it’s of a high enough quality for you to promote then you need to throw it in the garbage and move on to something a little bit better.
Products like these don’t have a huge reputation or following typically. It’s not like you’re promoting a Nike product or a Sony product.
These are typically individuals who create a training product or an information product in a given Niche and then try to sell it to interested people.
The reason I bring all this up is that a lot of people get hypnotized by the enormous commissions that these products bring and don’t really look into it any deeper than that.
For every person that buys a product and doesn’t like it, you were going to lose that person as an audience member most likely. So the higher-quality products you promote the better chance you have of retaining your audience.
And it’s up to you to determine whether beekeeping for beginners is a high enough quality product for you to promote on your website.
The Beekeeping For Beginners Commission
The real draw of this affiliate program is going to be the giant commission that they offer. Beekeeping for beginners has a 75% commission on all qualifying sales true your affiliate Link.
This is a fully digital product and as such, you can expect to see these incredibly large commissions.
Just keep in mind that the commission is not the end-all-be-all of the affiliate program there’s a lot more to it that’s going to make it profitable or not worth using it all.
But it’s always nice to have a huge commission just in case everything else falls into place and you find that this affiliate program really converts with your specific audience.
The Beekeeping For Beginners Tracking Cookie
The tracking cookie information wasn’t specifically laid out in the promotional material for this affiliate program. be sure to ask about it when you joined to make sure that you’re getting the proper amount of time to make a sale with the tracking cookies.
However, typically ClickBank hosted affiliate programs have around a 60-day tracking cookie so I think it’s safe to assume that’s what we’re going to find here.
Conversion Potential Of Beekeeping For Beginners
Digital products usually have a lower conversion potential than most physical products. There are of course some exceptions and many digital-only products performing credibly well.
the point is that products like beekeeping for beginners are going to be even more audience Pacific than most other affiliate products or Services.
People are either going to like the information contained in beekeeping for beginners or they are going to hate it and think it’s just garbage.
It’s up to you to determine which Camp your audience falls into because if they do not like the product and you continue to push it then you were going to alienate your audience.
On the other hand at the beginners that are coming to your website really like the training lay down and beekeepers for beginners than you were going to have a fantastic digital-only product that you can make a very high commission off of.
Successful Beekeeping ABC’s Affiliate Program

- Affiliate Commission: 70%
- Tracking Cookie: Not Listed
- Niche: Beekeeping Training
- Affiliate Network: ClickBank
The Successful Beekeeping ABC’s Product
In terms of brand recognition for This affiliate program, there really isn’t any. The product is the brand in the brand is the product.
That’s kind of how it works with these ClickBank hosting affiliate programs. They are usually single product digital training programs that compile a good amount of information about the given subject.
It’s going to be up to you to determine whether that information that they have compiled is worth the price that they’re asking. You are going to be the face of this product when you recommended to your blog audience.
So you want to be sure that it’s high-quality and that you’re comfortable promoting this particular digital product.
The Successful Beekeeping ABC’s Commission
As expected we have another huge commission from a digital-only beekeeping product.
Successful Beekeeping ABCs Offers our affiliate Partners a staggering 70% commission on sales through your affiliate link.
This is another ClickBank hosted digital training product that is either going to be loved by your audience or hated by your audience.
Don’t try to force this on your audience just because you get a nice 70% Commission. 0% conversion rate means that the commission is pointless if you can’t get it to convert with your specific audience.
Tracking Cookie For Successful Beekeeping ABC’s
Once again the tracking cookie information is not laid out for this affiliate program. This digital-only product is hosted on Clickbank so you can expect about a 30-60 day tracking cookie duration.
Be sure to ask about it with the affiliate manager, if they have one, once you start promoting Successful Beekeeping ABC’s. Some of these small affiliates tend to just give you your link and send you on your way.
Conversion Potential For Successful Beekeeping ABC’s
The conversion rate for this product is going to really depend on how valuable your audience finds the information contained within.
Looking at it from the outside as someone who is not well versed in beekeeping at all I can’t really say what the conversion potential is of this particular product.
It’s not like looking at a beekeeper suit and saying yeah that looks good that looks like what I want to buy this is more nebulous and something that you’re going to have to dig a little bit deeper into.
Remember to always do a bit of research on the affiliate programs before you commit to them. You can always change later but you don’t want to waste time trying to promote something that just isn’t resonating with your particular blog audience.
With all that said the affiliate terms look fine and if this does convert with your audience you were going to have a very lucrative affiliate program on your hands.
Maximizing A Beekeeping Affiliate Program
That brings us to the end of our look at these amazing beekeeping affiliate programs. Beekeeping as a blogging Niche is really an up-and-coming niche.
As a result, we don’t have as many affiliate programs to choose from but that is going to probably change in the near future.
As blogging niches grow they tend to attract more and more affiliates giving you a lot more options on how to monetize your site.
For now, though these affiliate programs along with Amazon Associates should be enough to really make a nice profit for your passive income blog.
The only thing left is for you to generate the content and get the traffic to your beekeeping affiliate links.
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