9 Top Airsoft Affiliate Programs For Your Blog

This article may contain *affiliate links. Please see our affiliate disclosure for more details

Remember playing cops and robbers as a kid?  Airsoft is like that, except it hurts more. It is, of course much more complicated than simple cops and robbers.  It is a serious game played by serious people.  Anyone who doesn’t take it seriously is going to spend a lot of time yelling “HIT” and taking the walk of shame back to the staging area.

This is a recreation for motivated adults and these are the types of people who spend good money on their entertainment. And that is where you come in. You want to capture the airsoft player’s imagination so that when they need information or equipment the first place they turn is to you and your blog. 

And then you need some great partner programs to help generate income for your blog. That is exactly what we have here 9 of the best airsoft affiliate programs around.  You can leverage them for content and for-profits and build your new website into a real force in the airsoft arena.

Airsoft as a whole has been a little down lately.  It saw its revenue dip in 2017 but is expected to bounce back over the next few years, according to this IBISWorld Report.  Nothing to really worry about in regard to its overall popularity. Plus.  After the affiliate programs, be sure to check out our in-depth look at the airsoft niche. Now let’s get to the Partners.

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Airsoft Megastore Affiliate Program

airsoft megastore

Airsoft Megastore lives up to its name.  It is a megastore in every sense of the word.  All the airsoft guns you could possibly want?  They got them.  Accessories? Yes, they have tons.  In fact, there is very little that you won’t find at this store.

It could easily be your go-to affiliate for all things airsoft.  You would still need to pick a couple of other programs just to have secondary partners and backups.  But as a primary, there is little this partner cannot do.

Airsoft Megastore offers one of the best commissions in the entire airsoft niche.  Their 8% commission on all qualifying purchases made through your affiliate links is outstanding.  Most of the other programs in the niche only go to  5 or 6%. Their tracking cookie is one of the best as well.  They offer a 30-days cookie giving your readers plenty of time to decide on the purchase.

Why Promote Airsoft Megastore?

It is one, if not, the best airsoft affiliate program.  They have one of the highest commissions and a good tracking cookie.  But it is their inventory that makes this your go-to choice for a primary partner program.  They have everything.

The only reason not to use them as your main partner program is if they do not convert well with your audience for whatever reason.

Crosman Affiliate Program

  • Company Name:  Crosman
  • Application: Sign Up Here
  • Affiliate Network:  Pepperjam
  • Sales Commission:  8%
  • Tracking Cookie:  Not Available
  • Website URLhttps://www.crosman.com

Crosman is one of the biggest and most well-respected names in airsoft, airguns, and Crossbow products.  The airsoft guns are the focus for now, but the added items could generate a little more income for your blog.

They have a nice selection of airsoft guns available for purchase.  One of the great things about their products is that have quite a few entry-level airsoft guns.  These products cost well under a hundred dollars and are ideal for promoting the sport to new players.

Crosman has one of the highest commissions in this niche.  They offer a full 8% commission on all qualifying sales.  When most of the programs on this list are stuck at 5%, Crosman ups its game with the larger percentage.  It is great to see.

Why Promote Crosman?

They are a good company with good airsoft products, making it easy to promote and recommend its products.  When you add in their outstanding commitment, Crosman becomes an incredibly desirable partner to have for your airsoft blog. However, since they only have their own product lines you will need to pair it up with one of the large airsoft stores, like Airsoft Megastore.

Airgun Depot Affiliate Program

airgun depot title image

Airgun Depot is another incredibly well-stocked airsoft retailer.  They have a huge selection of guns, accessories, and pellets for your readers to choose from.  They have a good selection of all the best-known and most respected brands in the airsoft industry. If it can fit onto or into an airsoft gun then chances are Airgun Depot has it. And their affiliate terms are pretty good as well.

Airgun Depot offers a very nice 6% commission for their affiliate partners.  It is one of the better commissions available in this niche.  Their tracking cookie is outstanding.  At 90-days it may well be the best tracking cookie in the entire niche. Never underestimate how useful a long-tracking cookie is to making better conversions for your blog.

Final Thoughts

A good commission and a great cookie.  They have good products and a very good selection.  This affiliate is one of the best in the niche and can operate as a primary or secondary partner program for your blog.

Wolverine Airsoft Affiliate Program

wolverine airsoft title card

Another well-stocked airsoft retailer.  Unfortunately, there is nothing here that really sets it head and shoulders above any of the rest.  When you have affiliates bunched up like this then choose the ones that convert best with your audience.

Wolverine Airsoft offers a pretty standard 5% commission for their partners.  This is a little low for most niches.  But for airsoft, it is pretty common.  The tracking cookie information was not available at the time of publication.  Please be sure to ask about it when you sign up.

Why Promote Wolverine Airsoft?

They have a good product selection and a decent commission.  But the best advice I can give about promoting them is that they are a solid backup.  You will find better commission with a couple of the other programs that would push them above Wolverine Airsoft in your affiliate hierarchy.

Pyramyd Air Affiliate Program

puramyd airsoft title card

Another airsoft retailer with an outstanding selection of guns and accessories.  They have quite a few airsoft guns that are on the cheaper side of things.  This means it is a great partner to have for new airsoft players who don’t want to spend a ton to try it out and for people who need a cheaper option.

They offer a 15-day tracking cookie, which is not a great cookie but not terrible either.  It should be sufficient for most of your readers to make a purchasing decision.  The commission is 5%, no surprise there.  5% seems to be the most common commission for this niche.

Why Promote Pyramyd Air?

The lower-cost options that Pyramyd Air has available make it a pretty desirable affiliate to use for your airsoft blog.  Using it as a secondary partner to Airsoft Megastore, for example, would be an ideal way to deploy this program. The cookie and commission are good enough to throw a little promotion and support behind this affiliate partner and see how well it converts.

APS Concept Affiliate Program

This affiliate is a little different than the rest of this list.  APS Concept has its own gearbox and custom mechanisms for your airsoft guns.  They sell a nice selection of these modified guns and they also sell the individual parts for upgrades and repairs.

Once again, a 5% commission.  This niche seems to be stuck here with a couple of exceptions.  It is still a decent return and one you can work with.  But it is about as low as you want to go for these smaller partner programs. The cookie information was not available at the time of publication so be sure to ask about it when you sign up.

Why Promote?

You will want to promote this partner for their custom options for their airsoft guns.  They are really high quality and can add a lot of value to your website with reviews and information on how it works.  That’s added content to help drive traffic.  The commission is also acceptable.

Airsoft Peak Affiliate Program

airsoft peak

Airsoft Peak has a great product selection.  It seems like all the airsoft affiliates have great product selection.  It is a bit of a recurring theme and when we get to the affiliate terms we’ll see a lot of similarities there as well.

It is not a bad thing necessarily, it just means that the niche as a whole has settled into what it is now.  It would take a major shake-up to really jolt the niche into some higher commissions. Airsoft Peak offers a 30-day tracking cookie for their partners.  Their commission is the all too familiar 5%.  This relegates it to a secondary partner in my opinion.

Why Promote This Program?

It is a secondary affiliate.  You want to promote this program as a backup to your main partner.  These types of partners fill in the gaps left by a stock shortage in your primary affiliate.  There are numerous candidates for a secondary affiliate in this niche.

Andy’s Airsoft Affiliate Program

  • Company Name:  Andy’s Airsoft
  • Application: Sign Up Here
  • Affiliate Network: None
  • Sales Commission:  5%
  • Tracking Cookie:  Not Available
  • Website URLhttps://andysairsoft.ca
andys airsoft title card

It may not have a flashy name or website but this partner program has it where it counts.  Inventory.  They have tons of it.  Any airsoft gun you can think of, probably have it in stock for you to purchase. If not for their average terms this could be a great primary partner.

Speaking of those affiliate terms. The terms for this partner program are pretty standard.  They offer a 5% commission on all qualifying sales.  Be sure to ask about the cookie duration when you join.  It was not readily available at the time of publication.

The Wrap-Up

A decent partner with a decent commission.  Nothing spect5acular about this shop but it is solid all around.  Andy’s Airsoft would make a good secondary airsoft dealer to have.  It could fill any gaps left by stock issues or price issues on your primary partner program.

Tactical Gears Affiliate Program

tactical gears title card

While technically not an airsoft gun dealer, this affiliate program fits the airsoft niche perfectly.  Most airsoft players are going to buy tactical gear for their setup.  That means they will need to have a place to buy tactical helmets and vests.  Glasses and gloves and everything else you need to play properly.

That is where Tactical Gears comes in.  they have a huge selection of the finest tactical gear available for airsoft players.  They also have a nice selection of tactical bags and accessories, like scopes, that your readers can choose from.

It is important to have at least one partner dedicated to the accessories that go along with airsoft as well as the guns and equipment themselves. Tactical Gears affiliate terms are quite nice as well.  They offer a 6% commission on all their sales and have an above-average tracking good at 45-days.

Why Promote Tactical Gears?

You will want to promote this partner for the diversity it can bring to your affiliate line-up.  Having a partner that is dedicated to add-on accessories is a great way to increase income for your blog.  Their commission and their cookie make it very easy to get behind the partner as well.

The Final Word on Airsoft Affiliate Partners

The airsoft niche is very well established.  It is also very stable.  This is reflected in the affiliate partners. 

None of the programs has a double-digit commission.  8% is the top commission.  While it is a little disappointing, the high cost of many of the airsoft guns and accessories really makes up for it.

So don’t let the average commissions get you down.  There is plenty of cash to be made from these partners in this outstanding niche.

Speaking of the airsoft niche, let’s have a detailed look at it right now.

Introduction to the Airsoft Niche

Airsoft is pretty much a sport at this point.  It simulates small-arms combat.  Many of the people who play are ex-military or police, but there are many people who play it that have never been in either.

The appeal of it is readily apparent.  While it comes nowhere near what real combat would be like, it does provide a good adrenaline boost to the people who play it.  And it can be quite fun.

It can also be quite profitable. Even though its popularity has dipped recently there is still plenty of time to start your airsoft blog and build it up in time for the next popularity upswing.  In the meantime, there is plenty of potential traffic that you can drive to your blog and put these affiliate programs to good use.

But for those partner programs to reach their full potential, you are gonna need some great content.  And great content starts with keyword research. Let’s have a look.

A Little Keyword Research

Keywords are the lifeblood of any blog in any niche.  Choose good ones and you will drive tons of traffic.  Choose poorly and all that great content will reach no one.  So let us look at a little keyword research for this niche.

The first keyword is the head keyword for this niche.  In this case, it would simply be “Airsoft”.  This is not a keyword you are going to want to target for your content.  It is just too broad and competitive to really be effective for a new blog.

Eventually, you will start to rank for all things airsoft pretty organically through some long-tail keywords which we will get to a little later.  So, for now, let’s have a look at this keyword in the Jaaxy keyword research tool.

airsoft jaaxy

Everything looks great here.  Good volume for the niche.  Nothing really unexpected and it is a good foundation to start building some longtail keywords with.

The first long-tail keyword that I am going to research is this.  “What is the best airsoft gas pistol?”.  This is a potentially great keyword depending on the competition.  It has buyer intent by using the word “best” in it.  It is specific to a certain type of airsoft gun a “gas pistol”.

gas pistol jaaxy research

And what we get back is a truly outstanding keyword for an airsoft blog.  Good traffic low competition and a good SEO number.  But look at what else you get in the research.  Two other good keywords.  “What is the best airsoft gun”?  That one is a little broader.

And “What is the best AEG Airsoft Gun”?  AEG is an electric variation of an airsoft gun.  So that is a whole other piece of content for you to pursue.  And the keyword itself is outstanding.  5 minutes worth of research and you already have 3 pieces of great content to write about.

To be honest, keyword research is a whole lot of fun most of the time.  Finding those little keyword gems is a great feeling.  But I digress.  Back to the keyword research. Let’s do one more before we call it a day. For this example, I chose a keyword that was a little broader but has a much larger buyer intent attached to it. 

The keyword is “Best Airsoft Guns Under 100 Dollars”.  Anytime you can attach a price to your keywords you are going to ramp up the buyer intent for the person searching.

jaaxy research best airsoft under 100 dollars

The results are fantastic.  The QSR or quoted search results are 3.  That is incredibly low for a keyword with that much buyer intent.  Plus we get a good look at all the variations of the keyword that you could use in this article or craft a separate piece of content.

Keyword research doesn’t have to take a long time.  But it is probably the single most important step to generating traffic other than writing the content itself.  It is imperative that you choose good long-tail keywords that will drive traffic for years to come.

Micro-Niche Ideas

There are really very few places to go in terms of micro-niches with airsoft.  Focusing on one manufacturer could be possible but I think that it would be too narrow to generate enough traffic from that one source.

Your best bet is to try and cover as much of the niche as possible.  Start with the guns and then move on to the accessories for the review part of your blog.  The informational articles can be anything from cleaning your airsoft gun to choosing the right optics. This niche is certainly not short of good content ideas for you to write about.

The Wrap Up

There you have it.  9 great options for your new airsoft blog.  And as a bonus, we took a look at the airsoft niche and some keywords that you could use to generate some great content. 

Airsoft is still a big niche.  Interest has tailed off in recent years but I think it is just settling into where it should have been all along. Airsoft is not for everyone.  It can be a nightmare if you are new to it.  You will get knocked out of the game constantly.  That’s a pretty good idea for an article actually.  “How to stay alive longer in Airsoft”.

The audience is still there and you will need some great content to round up all that traffic out there.  But with some of the research techniques using keyword tools you should have no problem finding enough to write about.

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