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Hello everybody and welcome to our look at the yoga niche for aspiring bloggers and YouTube content creators. Yoga has been popular for a while now but it has steadily increased in popularity over recent years and might be a great opportunity for you to start building your passive income online.
What Is The Yoga Niche? The yoga Niche is the overall yoga industry as it relates to building your blog in a certain area. The yoga niche encompasses all the various smaller niches and products that are included in this very large industry. The yoga niche is an incredibly popular and profitable blogging niche and a great place to start your passive income business.
If you’re interested in learning about the ins-and-outs of affiliate marketing and how to maximize your yoga niche website then I recommend checking out my favorite community for building a great passive income business.
So let’s begin to the yoga niche and find out what makes it such an appealing place to build your passive income business online.
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Building A Blog In The Yoga Niche
Building a Foundation In The Yoga Niche
The first thing you will need to decide when starting your yoga niche site is where you will be publishing the bulk of your content. Ideally, you will want to leverage all the content platforms to build out your yoga affiliate marketing business but you only have so much time to create content.
The best thing to do is to decide where the primary content platform will be and then use the other platforms to support it. I would suggest either Youtube or a traditional blog as your primary content platform and then using the others to support it. Let’s take a look at each one and see whether they would be beneficial for your yoga business.
Starting A Traditional Yoga Blog
Traditional blogs are a great place to start an affiliate marketing business in any niche and particularly in the Yoga niche. You can craft content that can be viewed anywhere without the reader having to worry about disturbing those around them.
You can leverage traffic from a variety of sources for your blog. Search engine traffic is going to be your main focus, but you can get traffic from other blog comments, forums, Pinterest, and Youtube that will help you build your own yoga ecosystem centered around your blog and your brand.
The type of content that you will want to create for a yoga blog is going to be informational for the majority of it. With some reviews and monetized lists mixed in.
“Top 10 Best Yoga Mats” is an example of the type of lists that are very popular with audiences and profitable for the affiliate marketer. These work very well in written form as they allow your readers to consume it at their leisure without the stop-start of a video.
Whether you choose to make your written blog the hub of your business is really up to you, although I would recommend having a branded website regardless of where the bulk of your content is published. Even if you are simply using it as a way to push traffic to your youtube channel there is a lot of value in a yoga niche blog for your overall affiliate marketing business.
Hosting Your Yoga Blog
The downside for a blog is that they will cost you a little bit of money. You will need to get some hosting for your website, I use Bluehost for all my new websites, but there are plenty of options.
For a free hosting option you could go with something like Wealthy Affiliate as their free starter membership gives you access to a hosting solution, but your best bet is to find some hosting you like and are comfortable with and pay the 5 or so dollars a month for it.
There are dozens of web hosting solutions to choose from. Find the one that suits you best and get to it.
Picking A Domain For Your Yoga Niche Blog
The next cost for a blog is the domain itself. There typically run about $15 dollars per year. This is really worth the cost since you are getting your own branded address online for a little over a dollar a month.
Having your own branded yoga website gives your burgeoning business a much more professional feel to it. Try and find a domain that is broad enough to cover multiple yoga niches but not too long.
Never Use hyphens in your domain if you can avoid it and try and pick something memorable.
Youtube As Your Primary Content Platform
The second major platform that you were going to want to produce content for is YouTube. YouTube can be your primary and indeed your only content platform if you choose to do it that way.
Ideal you want to combine your YouTube content with your traditional web content so that you create a bit of an ecosystem that can work in tandem to help generate revenue for your passive income business.
The great news is YouTube is a wonderful place for the yoga niche. You can do all manner of training videos and informational videos on yoga that is going to be great on YouTube.
YouTube also allows you to live stream on your channel once you hit a certain threshold of followers and viewers. For the yoga niche, this is absolutely fantastic. You can have live yoga with your audience.
This means that you were going to build a real-time relationship with your audience and you can send them to your website or you can send them to your Pinterest pins or you can send them to other videos that are going to help monetize all that content and really start to generate a great passive income for yourself.
Unlike a blog, YouTube is free to join. You can join YouTube and start creating videos right now today as long as you have the equipment to do so. In fact, you can start by just using your smartphone to create a few simple videos and start your YouTube channel.
However, I wouldn’t call YouTube easier than a Blog. Because you are going to want to start creating professional-looking videos and that’s going to take some time it’s going to take some editing software and it’s going to take a professional microphone and Camera which are all going to cost money in the long term.
So starting out YouTube is cheaper than a Blog but if you were going to take it seriously and do it long term then it is eventually going to cost more just with the type of equipment that you were going to want to buy to make it look as professional as possible.
Pinterest For a Yoga Blog Is An Option As Well
Pinterest is another option for deploying your content. However, using it as your sole content platform is going to be quite difficult. It is possible but it is much more effective if you use Pinterest to help drive traffic to your written content on a traditional blog.
In fact, you can use Pinterest as your main source of traffic in some niches, yoga being one of them. Using Pinterest as a support site is going to add a ton of value to your website.
Pinterest is not great for a lot of niches but for yoga, it is one of the most popular. The best way to use it is to create 5-10 pins for each piece of content you create. Doing so will magnify your visibility on Pinterest and help build credibility with other forms of social media or search engine traffic.
The great thing about Pinterest is that it is free to use. So you can use it as a free traffic source for your website and it does have paid ads if you want to use them once you become more established in the yoga niche.

Monetizing Your Yoga Content
Now that you have your content platform settled and you have started building out that content on your yoga blog or youtube channel, the next step is to monetize your content so that you can turn your passion for yoga into a viable online business.
There are 3 mains ways to monetize a niche that I like to use. Ideally, you will want to deploy all three for the best results once you get established to have some traffic flowing in.
Advertising On A Yoga Niche Blog
The first and most common form of monetization for a yoga Niche blog is advertising. Simply put you will sign with an advertising Network like AdSense or Medianet and they will place ads on your website and in your content that’s going to help generate a little bit of money for yourself.
Typically this doesn’t amount to a whole lot of money until you start to get a really large amount of traffic flowing through your website. Still, every little bit helps and you should Implement advertising once you start to see some traffic coming your way.
Another source of advertising is on YouTube videos. Now, this is only available through AdSense since Google owns both AdSense and YouTube. You can make a nice amount of money with YouTube as there are higher returns that the webpage based ads.
A lot of affiliate marketers are making the change to YouTube and using advertising is a good way to supplement their income. However, YouTube and they’re advertising business model seems pretty unsustainable in the long-term.
At least in my opinion. So I would always urge people to use both a written blog and YouTube as a supplement for it because you don’t want to put all your eggs in one basket.
The big issue with YouTube advertising right now is that they don’t seem to have anything similar to the expertise Authority and Trust limitations that they put on their search traffic.
Once these E.A.T limitations get fully implemented on YouTube there are going to be a lot of people stuck with no monetization of their videos because they have been producing garbage this whole time.
Affiliate Marketing Is You Main Earner For Most Yoga Blogs
Affiliate marketing is going to be the bread and butter for most yoga Niche websites out there. Affiliate marketing is simply promoting someone else’s product and then getting a percentage of the sale of that product.
It’s very simple in its concept and it’s one of the best ways to make money online. In order to do affiliate marketing properly, you need an affiliate link from any number of affiliate programs, you need content to place that link in and you need to generate traffic to that affiliate link.
The commission percentage varies depending on the affiliate program but for the yoga niche, you can expect to see 10%+ commission from a large variety of vendors. Most yoga affiliate programs will offer you at least a 30-day tracking cookie as well. The tracking cookie is the amount of time you have to make a sale once someone clicks on your affiliate link.
Here are a few yoga affiliate programs, there are dozens more this is just a small taste.
You can also check out our list of activewear affiliate programs that would work well for a yoga niche blog. Overall, affiliate marketing is a great option to place in your written content and in your Youtube descriptions.
Placing affiliate links in your descriptions and then mentioning them in the video is an often overlooked way to add additional monetization toy your videos.
Informational Products Are The Ultimate Goal
Informational products are one of the most lucrative ways to monetize your content. Whether it’s a blog or a YouTube channel these informational products can be life-changing in the amount of money that you can make from them.
An example of an informational product for the yoga Niche would be an entire line of yoga training videos that you produce and then sell it to your audience. These are going to need to go above and beyond your general content to really make it worthwhile for people to purchase them.
For the yoga Niche and informational product is something that does make a bit of sense however you can’t always make good informational products in any blogging Niche.
The problem with the informational products is that they cost quite a bit of money to create unless you were simply creating an ebook or something along those lines.
But if you want to make a really great informational project that involves videos you are going to need to invest some money into scripting those videos hiring professionals to help create those videos and all the equipment you need to make an informational video that is going to be worth paying for.
The other problem with the informational product is that you need an established audience in order to really benefit from an informational product. You need to have a lot of people coming through your website or your YouTube channel and engaging with your content in order to make any type of money with info products.
a good information product is going to sell to maybe 1% of your audience. Most of the time it’s going to be lower than that so you see you need a large traffic base in order to make it worth your while investing money in an informational product that you can sell.

Yoga Micro-Niche Ideas To Consider
You cannot be all things to all people when it comes to blogging and affiliate marketing. You have to find the small nooks and crannies of any industry so that you can avoid the megacorporations and build a solid foundation that will start generating passive income for you.
The best way to do this is to niche down to specific ideas within an industry and build out from there. These are known as sub-niches and micro-niches. Some of them are hugely competitive as well and require you to niche down even further.
When you are starting out you want to find a small sub-niche that will generate a decent amount of traffic while you build your reputation and authority with search engines, Pinterest, Youtube or any other traffic source. Here are a few examples, there are dozens more out there and more still that no one has thought of yet for the Yoga niche.
Yoga Niche Ideas
- Yoga Teacher Niche – A blog or Youtube channel dedicated to teaching others the art of Yoga could be very fulfilling and ultimately profitable.
- Yoga Products Niche – This niche deals with reviewing and developing content around yoga accessories like yoga mats, yoga blocks and yoga bolsters.
- Yoga Pants Niche – While you could fold this into a yoga product niche site, yoga pants are a huge niche all to themselves. They cross over well with a general activewear niche as well.
- Yoga For Seniors – There are quite a few content creators dedicated to yoga for our older friends and family, but there is still room for a new view on it.
- Yoga Studio Niche – This niche is a little more advanced and has a smaller audience by nature. Basically you create content around how to layout your own personal yoga studio. A blog dedicated to building a great studio in a limited amount of space might do very well.
- Yoga For Women – Breaking the yoga niche down into more manageable content ideas is essential for success. So starting your blog with a focus on yoga for women would be a great idea. You can always expand it later.
- Yoga For Men – On the flip side you could focus on yoga for men at the beginning and then add in other groups like women and seniors as you grow your yoga brand
- How To Do Yoga For Backpain – Niches like this one are going to be very specific and quite small, but they are a great place to start. You will need to add-in other areas for content as you grow.
- Yoga For Weight Loss – Yoga for weight loss is going to be one of the more competitive and profitable yoga niches. You could even add a Yoga section onto your weight loss blog if you want to go about it that way.
- Reducing Anxiety With Yoga – Another smaller but rewarding yoga micro-niche. Helping people relax and deal with anxiety is an increasingly important part of everyday life it seems.
That is just 10 examples of how you can build a foundation for your yoga niche blog. You always want to start small and focused then build your blog or youtube channel out and start incorporating more ideas related to yoga.
Yoga Styles to Consider
One other thing you can consider is focusing on a single style of yoga. There are dozens of different yoga disciplines that you could use as the foundation for your blog or videos. After you grow a bit you can add in new disciplines and yoga styles can be the basis for quite a large yoga website or youtube channel if you keep adding the content.
- Bikram Yoga
- Hatha Yoga
- Flow Yoga
- Moksha Yoga
- Core Yoga
- Power Yoga
- Restorative Yoga
- Hot Yoga
- Kundalini Yoga
- Mysore Yoga
There are dozens, if not hundreds of other Yoga styles that you can build your yoga blog around. It all comes down to which ones you feel comfortable with and how well they resonate with your specific audience.

Wrapping Up The Yoga Niche Market
That brings us to the end of our look at the yoga niche as it relates to building an online business around affiliate marketing and passive income content creation.
Wherever you decide to make your content the basic outline is going to be generally the same. You always want to mix of informational content along with some monetize review type content that is going to bring in that passive income that you are working towards.
The yoga Niche is very competitive which means that you are going to want to dig down into those micro niches and find the little nooks and crannies that are going to allow you to build your brand while avoiding those big competitors bet you can’t really compete with at the outset.
Affiliate marketing is one of the most powerful tools that you can have when trying to build a business online. As the world moves online more and more they’re going to be looking for the information and the products that you can have promote on your yoga website.
This is true for any Niche. The existing Niche is like the yoga Niche and the new ones that no one has even thought of yet that are going to help people earned that Financial Freedom that they so desperately want and need.
That being said affiliate marketing is not easy. There are a whole host of problems that need to be solved in order to be successful at this online business.
The best way to avoid these problems or learn how to do affiliate marketing efficiently and in a sustainable fashion is to invest in a little bit of affiliate marketing training and link up with a good affiliate marketing community that can help you through some of the tough times.
Don’t go it alone. Get the best learning tools and community to help you build your online dream. Check it out here.